欢迎来 (Huān yíng lái) Mid-Prairie Chinese Blog (Welcome to the Mid-Prairie Chinese Blog)

Come back often to see what the students are learning and to find out about upcoming events in the schools.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Kalona Chinese Students Shape Dances

Right before our students went off to Spring break third through fifth grades learned about shaped in Chinese and made you tube clips demonstrating the shapes using dance.  Click on the links below to view.

Mrs. Wood's 5th Grade Girls

Mrs. Yoder's 4th Grade Boys

Mrs. Hartsock's 3rd Grade Girls

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Spring Music Program!!

The Spring Music Program for KE is Tuesday, March 20. All students are involved and have been working to prepare for the program. We have some great songs and fun music with which to welcome the long awaited warm weather.

Mini Concerts - Beginning this week on day 5, (Friday) will be the first Mini-concert. It will be in the gym from 8:05 to 8:25. As in the past, kids will be let in to their classrooms a little early and then Doreen will announce when the gym is ready. I'd like grade levels to sit together as much as possible - kids arrive at different times so that may not completely work as the gym fills up.