This is a great opportunity for people looking for a fun Chinese event this weekend!!!
爱荷华大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute Offering Iowans courses in Chinese language and culture |
Music and Dance Performance by
East China Normal University
Performing Arts Troupe!
The Confucius Institute will sponsor a public performance at the Iowa City First United Methodist Church
(214 East Jefferson Street)
(214 East Jefferson Street)
Saturday February 25th from 3:00PM-4:15PM
performance Program:
1、 民乐合奏 《快乐序曲》
1. Folk Music Ensemble Happy Prelude
2、 傣族舞蹈 《女儿花》
2. Folk Dance of Dai Minority Nv Er Hua
3、 女声独唱 《一杯美酒》
3. Female Solo A Cup of Good Wine
4、 琵琶与二胡 《送你一支玫瑰花》
4. Lute & Erhu Give You a Rose
5、 汉唐舞蹈 《踏歌》
5. Han and Tang Dynasty Dance Tage
6、 笛子独奏 《牧民新歌》
6. Flute Solo New Melody for the Herdsman
7、 钢琴独奏 《拉赫玛尼诺夫练习曲》
7. Piano Solo Rachmaninov Etudes-tableaux
8、 维吾尔族舞蹈 《古城里的古在丽》
8. Folk Dance of Uyghur Minority Guzal in the Ancient City
9、 二胡重奏 《战马奔腾》
9. Erhu Duet Galloping War-Horses
10、敦煌舞蹈 《妙音反弹》
10. Dunhuang Dance Miao Yin Fan Tan
11、川剧 《变脸》
11. Sichuan Opera Bian Lian (Face-changing)
12、男声独唱 《天边》《父亲的草原、母亲的河》
12. Male Solo Horizon; Father's Prairie and Mother's River
13、歌舞 《快乐的人请鼓掌》
13. Sing & Dance Happy People Please Clap Your Hands
Join us for Tea, Cookies and A Book Exhibit following the performance
The Confucius Institute | |
International Programs | |
The University of Iowa | |
1120 University Capitol Centre | |
Iowa City, IA 52242-5500 | |
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